[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”Aleina Hair Oil” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:left|color:%2381d742″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_gallery type=”flexslider_slide” interval=”3″ images=”926,927,928,929,930″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_btn 0=”1=“href=““>||target:%20_blank|“” title=”Buy From Amazon” color=”green” size=”xl” link=”|||”][vc_column_text]DESCRIPTION

Neuhack Healthcare’s Aleina Herbal hair oil is an intensive hair treatment to prevent hair loss, dandruff and premature graying. A natural conditioner for your hair that nourishes deeply while cooling the scalp, reducing hair fall and promoting hair growth. Anti-fungal and antibacterial properties of our oil prevent scalp infections. The floral scent of the oil has a calming & meditative effect that soothes frayed nerves, uplifts mood and aids in a good night’s rest.


⦁ 100% Natural

⦁ Reduces hair fall with proper massaging.
⦁ Stronger roots and reduced split ends.
⦁ Less tangling because of your increased hair softness.
⦁ Prevents/Fights Dandruff
⦁ Higher luster due to reduced moisture loss.
⦁ Totally free of Parabens & artificial fragrances.
⦁ Suits all scalp and hair types.
Quantity: 60 ml
What’s inside that makes it so special?

⦁ Til oil- Treats premature graying, rich omega fatty acids promote hair growth; Protects hair from UV rays & treats dandruff.
Its deep penetrating and cooling properties reduces stress resulting in reduced hair loss.
⦁ Tranaraj oil(coconut)- Reduces dandruff, premature graying , makes hair thicker and fuller soothens boils, bug bites , lice.
⦁ Mineral Oil – Locks in moisture due to its non sticky nature thus preventing frizz.
⦁ Neem – Cleanses scalp from excess sebum and stimulating blood flow. Strongly removes dandruff & promotes hair growth due to its high level of anti oxidants.
⦁ Bhringraj- Boosts blood circulation to the scalp, stimulating it and triggering hair growth.
⦁ Amla- Fatty acids in amla strengthens hair follicles, vitamin C in amla can help halt pre-mature graying and fight dandruff. Also stimulates hair growth owing to its high iron and carotene content.
⦁ Nilpushpa- Promotes hair growth.
⦁ Brahmi- Removes dandruff and split ends resulting in reduced hair loss.
⦁ Gunja- Reduces headache, itching and scalp acne.
⦁ Nagarmotha- Fights pollution, cleanses dust, dirt from scalp enabling it to absorb nutrients for hair growth.
⦁ Karanj Beej- Fights dandruff and promotes wound healing.
⦁ Mulethi- Prevent baldness & grows new hair.
⦁ Indravaruni- Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of  indravaruni  stimulate  hair  growth & increases number of hair follicles and also treats headache .

⦁ Apply onto hair and massage starting from the scalp to ends of hair. Leave (preferably wrapped with hot towel) for thirty minutes. Wash with a hair cleanser. Rinse well.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]


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